Next Gen All Star: Zachary Anderson
Age: 32
Company: NCMI
Title: Vice president
How long have you been in the PHCP-PVF industry?
ZA: 16 years. I started working at NCMI during the summers when I was old enough to drive. I continued to work during the summers until after I graduated college. After I graduated, I started working full-time.
What drew you into the industry?
ZA: My dad and grandpa worked in the industry. I knew I wanted to follow in their footsteps at a very young age.
What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the industry?
ZA: Being able to enjoy my job. I work with a lot of great people that make work fun.
What motivates you every day?
ZA: I have three beautiful daughters who are always watching me. I try very hard to set a good example for them. Also, kids are expensive!
What is one thing you wish more people knew/understood about the PHCP-PVF industry?
ZA: There are so many different and unique opportunities that people can choose to make a good living.
What has been the proudest moment in your career so far?
ZA: Working for the family business. I have been able to learn and grow under someone I truly respect and I’ve enjoyed doing it.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
ZA: I love musky fishing
Why he was chosen as a Next Gen All Star Top 20 Under 40 winner:
“Zach has been with us for 13 years. In that time, he has the following accomplishments/certifications: Master Plumber and BFP-certifier in Indiana, med gas installer and a journeyman plumber in Michigan. He is currently designing plumbing projects, running projects and overseeing manpower daily. We are a mid-sized commercial contractor in northern Indiana with 30+ employees. Zach is reliable and punctual. He constantly interacts well with all our GC field supers and PMs. Overall, Zach is well respected in our area for his accomplishments and would be well deserving of this honor. He does all this with three young kids. He is truly a great guy.” — Chris Anderson