PPI's Building & Construction Division was thrilled to host Dr. Chris DeArmitt - PhD, FRSC, FIMMM as our guest speaker at the 2022 PPI Semi-Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky on Oct. 17. CLICK HERE
Mythbusting plastic pipe
PPI's Building & Construction Division was thrilled to host Dr. Chris DeArmitt - PhD, FRSC, FIMMM as our Guest Speaker at the 2022 PPI Semi-Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY on Oct. 17th. CLICK HERE
Primetime Plumbing
It was an honor to host legendary journalist Ted Koppel at our training facility to discuss why career opportunities in the #skilledtrades are overlooked by so many Americans. CLICK HERE
Primetime Plumbing
It was an honor to host legendary journalist Ted Koppel at our training facility to discuss why career opportunities in the #skilledtrades are overlooked by so many Americans. CLICK HERE
A Tall Order
Out with the old, and in with the new... all in a day's work! New tower, new pumps and all new pipe. CLICK HERE
A Tall Order
Out with the old, and in with the new... all in a day's work! New tower, new pumps, and all new pipe. CLICK HERE
Hydronic Manifold ProPress
Skill meets art #ProPress. Check out Tyler Dynes (@dyneshvac) pressing the takeoffs on this hydronic pump manifold. CLICK HERE
Hydronic Manifold ProPress
Skill meets art #ProPress. Check out Tyler Dynes (@dyneshvac) pressing the take offs on this hydronic pump manifold. CLICK HERE
Pink Out
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Today at Neoperl US we wore pink to show our support for all those who have fought or are currently in treatment fighting against breast cancer. CLICK HERE
Pink Out
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Today at Neoperl US we wore pink to show our support for all those who have fought or are currently in treatment fighting against breast cancer. CLICK HERE