
Pellet particulars

The Glitch:

Figure 1 shows a piping layout that was used to retrofit a pellet-fired boiler to an existing 4-zone heating system supplied by an oil-fired boiler. The pellet boiler is protected against sustained flue gas condensation by a “loading unit,” which combines a circulator with a thermostatic mixing valve. The distribution system is connected to the retrofitted pellet boiler piping using a pair of closely spaced tees. Can you spot several errors in this piping layout and propose modifications that would correct them? 


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Are you an ace troubleshooter?

Within the pages of this magazine, PM’s Hydronics Editor John Siegenthaler, P.E., will pose a question to you, our readers, to review a system’s schematic layout and discover its faults, flaws and defects. Discover archived “The Glitch & The Fix” exercises at its radiant-focused website, Good luck!