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Contractors should prioritize giving back to their communities

‘Tis the season.

One of the things I love most about this industry is its generosity. I love hearing stories how contracting businesses step up to help their communities. Not only are they helping people in need, they are benefitting their companies.

Last December, MetLife and U.S. Chamber Small Business Index asked small business owners about how active they are in community engagement. Despite lingering economic concerns, most small businesses give back. In fact, 80% say that their business has a clearly defined mission that includes giving back to their local community. The survey found that 66% have donated to local charities over the past year; 64% have sponsored or donated goods/services to local events; and 56% offered discounts to certain groups within the community, like teachers or veterans.

Generosity is the new marketing. In this era of social media, charitable companies can earn an enhanced brand reputation as being a “good” company and will make people want to do business with them. Customers are more likely to trust and choose a plumbing company that demonstrates a commitment to making a positive impact in their community.

Charitable giving also allows plumbing contracting companies to become more deeply ingrained in their local communities. Engaging with local charities and community events fosters a sense of belonging and connection. It not only demonstrates a commitment to the community's well-being but also helps the company build strong relationships with residents and other local businesses.

Charitable initiatives can also benefit contracting companies by boosting employee morale and job satisfaction. By encouraging staff to participate in philanthropic activities, contracting businesses create a positive work environment where employees feel they are making a difference in the world. This sense of purpose can lead to increased job satisfaction and employee retention, which ultimately reduces recruitment and training costs.

Charitable contributions can also open up valuable networking opportunities for plumbing contracting companies. By collaborating with local charities, businesses and other philanthropic organizations, plumbing contractors can establish relationships that may lead to new business opportunities and referrals.

While contractors can benefit in all the ways listed above, it also just feels good to help those in need. Charitable giving is about building a better future for both the community and the company itself. Ultimately, by investing in the well-being of their communities, these businesses create a more compassionate and sustainable future while simultaneously reaping the rewards of their generosity.

I wish all of our readers a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and happiness.

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Photo courtesy of CatLane / iStock / Getty Images Plus.

Nicole Krawcke is chief editor of Plumbing & Mechanical.